Welcome to the home break of the BEST SURF DOGS (also known as SurFURS) In Southern California, the United States and for that matter, the entire World! SURF DOG FEVER, FETCH IT!
Don't be fooled! Surfing with your dog..... "IS NOT AN EXTREME SPORT!" "IT'S JUST EXTREMELY FUN!!!" The SoCal Surf Dogs Website
On our website, you will find all kinds of Information, Photos, Videos and News about our awesome Surf Dogs. Want to TEACH YOUR DOG TO SURF? You'll find that here too! Want to Join the FUN? Just go to 'Contact Us' and add "I want to Join the Fun" in the comment section and we'll keep you posted on all of the future 'So Cal Surf Dogs' Activities and Events. You can also sign-up to receive our monthly newsletter! SoCal Surf Dogs
We love our Surf Dogs! We love to surf with our Surf Dogs! Our Surf Dogs love to surf with us! We will only do it Safely! We will always help others learn to surf with their dogs! We will leave nothing on the beach, except Smiles and Paw Prints! We will support dog charities and rescue groups! |
Want to know what the SoCal Surf Dogs are up to in 2020? Just click on the calendar! Surf Dog Competitions, Special Events as well as many other dates you'll want to remember.
Don't get ripped off!
Get the original 2014 Surf Dogs Calendar This Calendar benefits many charitable causes. Click on the 2014 Surf Dogs Calendar to get yours today! You can also see slide shows of the Surf Dogs Calendars from previous years HERE! Woof! This years Cover Features Ziggy! This Month's Featured Rescue Organization: |
S Ray ClubBeen stung by a Sting Ray
while surfing with your dog? You're now a member of a very exclusive club. Checkout the current members and more about Mr. S Ray! |
"Doritos Crash the Super Bowl Contest"Here's the SoCal Surf Dogs submission to the
‘Doritos Crash the Super Bowl Contest’. Check it out here and tell your friends…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob9OFnABA0E |
"The Making of the Doritos Commercial"
We had a ton of fun making the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl Contest! Checkout the outtakes and bloopers; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn048w32BI4 |
The Rainbow Wave |
SoCal Surf Dogs TIKI |
Nani has just about seen and experienced it all
when it comes to dog surfing. She has surfed warm water and cold. She has surfed small waves and big waves. She has surf solo, with her owner, with children and with other dogs. She has surfed in and won Surf Dog Competitions and just surfs for fun. She has shown more than a hundred dogs how to surf! She has surfed all over Southern California. Have a question about dog Surfing? Ask Nani Click HERE to ask her a question. |
Click on Nani's photo to ask her a question about Dog Surfing!
Let’s help this great cause and help Emma Zen get Pet Oxygen Mask in every Lifeguard Station that serves Dog Beaches in Southern California. Go to: http://www.emmazen.com/PetOxygenMasks.htm or http://www.emmazen.com/ When you donate, go to the ‘message to seller’ and write in ‘DogBeach’. Let’s be sure we never lose a surf dog! Woof |
A special "Woof Woof" (Thank you)
to all the Incredible, Fantastic, Awesome Photographers who took all the photos of our Surf Dogs you'll see in our site. Thank you: Dale, Diane, Dina, John, Juls, Larry, Matt, Rene, Rob, Tamandra, Woody and Dean! Please click on the "Camera" to check out their websites. |
Go to your local Shelter
or Rescue Group to find your next Dog. You will probably find the next Surf Dog Super Star! (Checkout our RESCUE page!) |
Don't forget:
Spay or Neuter your Surf Dogs! |
Need to know where to go? |
Dozer in the August 2010 edition
Ricochet in the August 2010 edition
Cleo & Chipper in the November 2011 edition
Jack in the June 2012 edition
Happy Dogs Surf!Go to: Surf Dog Profiles
to see detailed information, Photos, Video's and Links for each of our SURF DOGS! |
San Diego Pets MagazineNani in the September 2012 edition
San Diego Pets MagazineLouie in the September 2013 edition
San Diego Pets Magazine
Bodie in the December 2013 edition
Here's a short video we made awhile back of our
Surf Dogs. See the Video Tab for more Videos! Click on the 'Surf Dog Profiles' Tab and you will find more detailed information on all our Surf Dogs. |
September 2010
Channel 8 Television, a CBS affiliate in San Diego, did a short feature in advance of the 2010 Helen Woodward Animal Center's Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon. The SoCal Surf Dogs were invited to provide expert Dog Surfing. We think they pulled it off. What do you think? |
Wavewatch.comGo to wavewatch.com for your local surf forecasts |
The Swim Guide Shows you where your closest beaches are!
Gives you real-time beach status updates! (where available) Gives you historical beach trends! Explains the laws and policies that protect beaches! Lets you compare your local beach to other beaches in Canada and the United States! |
Download the App for your phone! |