Can you swim? Do you like to play in the Ocean? Are you comfortable in the waves? Are you in good health? Is your dog in good health? Does your dog like the water? Does your dog know the 4 basic commands: Sit, Down, Stay and Come?
Does your Dog like the water?
Can he/she swim? (Of course he/she can swim, all dogs can swim, can’t they?)
If you're not sure, check out Trish Peniick's website:
Does your dog know and understand the basic commands; Sit, Down, Stay, Come? Can your dog be off leash and still be under your control?
If the answer to any of these is no, you might want to pursue another activity or consider getting some basic dog obedience training first.
If you’re not sure, read on!
I’m not a dog trainer and can’t help you with the basic dog training. All of the suggestions, tips, ideas and tools you’ll find here assume you have completed some basic obedience lessons. If you need help, checkout Pawtopia Pet Training at: Here's a good basic video on how to teach the very basic commands....... See our links section for more help with basic dog training.
Before you even think about taking your dog anywhere near the surf, introduce your dog to the water, the beach and then the ocean. In that order!
First, verify which beaches in your area allow dogs. In our ‘Links’ section of our website, we have maps for the Dog beaches in San Diego County.
Leave the surfboard at home! Let your Surf Dog get to know the sites, sounds and more importantly, the smells they will encounter at dog beach. Your Dog's little brain will go into overload the first time they hit the beach. Go slow. Make it fun. Let them discover the water on their own. Never, ever throw your dog into the water! If they don't run right in, try sitting in shallow water and have them come to you. (Low tide is the best time to go, because there is so much shallow water!)
Make it Fun! If it’s clear your dog is deathly afraid of water, Surfing is not for you. Surfing with your dog is a physical activity for both you and your dog. Please have your dog checked out by a Veterinarian before you head to the beach. If you’re an active person, surfing with your dog won’t be a problem. If you’re sedentary by nature, you might see your Doctor before you start as well.
To start, you might want to start a light exercise regiment for you and your Surf Dog to get ready for the dog surfing season.
You won’t believe how tired you’ll be after pushing your pooch out through the waves, then running back in to retrieve them, then going back out to do it again. After a few waves you’ll remember I told you “surfing your dog is a great workout”!
Your Surf Dog will end up spending a lot of time in the water swimming as well. They too will get exhausted. Watch out for them!
Try walking, swimming, jogging and our riding a bike to get ready!