Name: Newman
Nick Name: Nooms, Noomi Nooms Sex: Male Height: 17" Weight: 43 Pounds Breed: English Bulldog Birthday: 4/10/2010 Owner: Debbie Owner's Contact Information: Address: Huntington Beach, California E-mail: [email protected] Favorite Sports/Activities/Pastime: Walks, car rides, people, and apparently surfing! Pet Peeves: Newman gets upset if something in the house is new, out of place or gets moved. Home Break: Dog Beach Huntington Beach Favorite Dog Beach: Dog Beach Huntington Beach Favorite Dog Park: Doesn't like dog parks Favorite Toy: Tuffy Toys Favorite Food: Everything Favorite Treat: Yummy Chummy (Freeze Dried Salmon) Newman's Story: Newman’s first time on a surfboard was 2 weeks before the Surf City Surf Dog contest held at Dog Beach in Huntington Beach on Septemper 25th, 2011. I took him to HB Dog Beach for a surfing lesson. It was also his first time ever at the beach. I knew he loved water because he is fascinated with the hose, rain and the shower, so I figured he might like surfing. I bought him a surfboard and put it in the living room so he got used to being on it. When I took him for his lesson, he jumped right on the surfboard. First time out he got knocked off by a big wave, so he wasn’t so keen on going out again, but we gave it another few tries and he did ok. His second time on a surfboard was at the Surf City Surf Dog Competition, September 25th, 2011. He took first in his weight class and fourth overall. He was also voted “crowd favorite.” Third time on a surfboard was at the audition for the 2012 Natural Balance Rose Parade Float held at Fiesta Floats in Irwindal, California on November 16th, 2011. Out of the 60+ dogs that auditioned, Newman was chosen as Number ONE!!! He’s practicing his Float Wave – LOL!! Awards and/or Metals won Surfing: 2011 Surf City Surf Dog Competition at Dog Beach in Huntington Beach, California 4th Place Medium Dog Catagory Crowd Favorite 2012 Surf City Surf Dog Competition at Dog Beach in Huntington Beach, California 2nd Place Large Dog Catagory Titles and/or Honors: Natural Balance's 2012 Rose Parade Float Winner Favorite Links: Videos Links: Sponsors: Not Yet! :) |
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